Referring, of course, to that philosophy articulated by my three year old...
One of his favorite games at this age is to pretend he is something, like a bird or a snake, and tell the adults what he 'is'. I often play along with him and suggest some of the logical implications of his choice of 'form'---like, you should look out, our cat is going to chase you if you're a bird or a snake. To which he replies...I'm just a Pretend Bird, she only chases Real Birds.
It's funny sometimes how he winds up expressing ridiculously common behaviors among adults of the Cathedral without any added varnish. You see, our country is CHOCK FULL of 'pretend' environmentalists, 'anti-racists', and 'moral universalists'. The difference is they lack the self-awareness of my three year old.
Heretics and Partisans
19 hours ago
We live a rather . . . diverse area. My 2.5 year-old son notices all sorts of Things That You're Not Supposed to Notice.
It's fun to see world through a little kids eyes.
It's a goal of mine to never cease being a child, at a certain level, for this reason. It makes life more fun.
It's my gut suspicion that a lot, perhaps even a majority, of adults are essentially just like my little boy, but have raised several layers of defenses---of which at least as many face inward as outward. By understanding him better I get a better handle on them.
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