My oldest of late has started nearly incessantly asking me for stories about one of his great-great-grandmothers. I find this interesting because I've never terribly encouraged this, having only mentioned her obliquely a few times in his presence, and he doesn't know my mother all that well, having seen her only a few times given her geographic separation from him. His knowledge of my mother's mother is even more tenuous, having seen her only once, and the great-great-grandmother passed away more than a decade before he was born.
But the hunger is there for stories and to feel some sort of connection to his ancestors. I'd say the ancestor story is up there with the Bible story in terms of his favorite types. From my experience with other little ones around his age---make no mistake, it appears that pregnancy is contagious within social circles as much or more so than is divorce---this doesn't seem all that unusual. The stories don't have to be terribly unusual, or even funny, or heaven forbid, heroic to delight the little ones. I suspect that there's a lot of 'blood and soil' built into every new child---even to the extent of a fairly strong attachment to the old house we brought him home to after he was born, from which we've moved so as to have adequate space for children to play and for his second little sister to arrive. I am coming to believe this is at least part of the human 'firmware' which our present diseased society is trying like Hell to beat out of us. Hopefully it won't succeed. I don't think it will--I'm betting this impulse is at the root of ancestor worship and that's pretty perennial.
A New Epistle for Our Times
15 hours ago
Having seen a good cross section of the current 20 somethings in Iraq 6 years ago, under terrible leadership and moral vacuum at the General Officer and Political level [06-07] I can say that human nature's good side and values are quite resilient, and that the kids are alright. Not all of them of course. Ours were. They were diverse as well, proving human nature is a constant. Let us say they filled the vacuum as far as they could expand.
So your hope in human freeware is not misplaced. I don't think it's the people, it's the elites and the culture they've encouraged, in no small part to make us easier to control.
Those young people are the hope of the future. Because as a cohesive body, they're all that's left. When you're the last Mohican your choices are of course limited.
@VXXC It was Orwell who said "The hope of the world lies in the proles" and he was and still is right. So long as we can continue to encourage that need to question every stupid instruction from our politicians and other members of the elite, we still can have hope for the future.
If we can keep the elites from buying them out. I've seen too many high achieving women go college-career-childless.
Instead of going to NYC to be childless, we need somewhere for them to go to reproduce.
You got a problem with oceans or rivers?
Jehu's should be howling for it.
Cede my ass.
You referring to my comment on the Orthosphere?
I'm not sure you understand the magnitude of the Ocean I'm speaking of. We could easily be talking 80-90% of the population, and that assumes things stay mostly 'in the family', so to speak.
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