White Privilege as conceived in the minds of most Leftists would be a good idea compared to what presently exists. Pretty much every other group organizes to its own advantage in competitions against other groups, it seems like it is RACIST for whites to be any different. What, do they think they're better or superior or something?!
Let me share some of my own experience. I've run hiring task forces for a major technology company in the past. The primary reason I've done so is that I've stepped backward the smallest number of steps when volunteers to run the task force were solicited. I am somewhat less uncomfortable in such a role than the median technical person. This is something that I'd encourage reactionaries to be willing to step up to the plate to do when asked, as it carries tremendous soft power---ask any Leftist who knows what he's doing. But that is a matter for another post.
We're not hiring right now in any large numbers---haven't been in any significant volume in my division for a few years, so I've not been activated for this role in a while. But let me let you know a few things:
If you're a URM (Under-represented minority), and we can plausibly delude ourselves that you MIGHT be adequate to the task, we are ALWAYS hiring. You'll find this true of most companies. So where's the white privilege?
Oh, I hear you saying, but white people have an easier time getting the necessary credential---you hire pretty much just STEM MS and PhD holders right?
Do you really want to go there? You'll find that as a minority of the non-Asian variety, your ability to get accepted into graduate school, and more importantly, to get a full ride there is vastly enhanced. So where's the white privilege?
Do you really want to be reduced to arguing that because whites get a bonus to some cosmic intelligence statistic that this advantage of theirs should be socialized away? I'd agree with the first part of your argument, it's a VERY mainstream psychometric position, but I don't think you'd win any friends in polite society, right or left, for explicitly making your argument on that basis, and the second part of your argument is just who...whom---not that there's anything wrong with that.
I'm actually of the opinion that whites would be prudent to actually fight for and enforce a 'white privilege', of exactly the sort that presently exists only in the deluded minds of many of the Left. In practice, only a pathetically small minority of humanity, probably smaller than the number of Catholic saints, is capable of actual neutrality and impartiality. Since nepotism and bias are going to exist, the only question is, is your group part of the Who, or part of the Whom? Let us ridicule the extreme universalists off the stage of history, along with their sanctimonious scolding, and replace it with a sublime straightforward slugfest of group and self-interest. Perhaps once we've swung a ways back towards the particularist end of the spectrum we can adjust to a more favorable equilibrium.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
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Contact them. Offer to pay for the whole conference with your White Privilege Platinum Card.
My black GF:
"I used to really hate white people. They were all smiling all the time, and I was miserable. But now (that I'm a yuppie professional) that I'm happy too I like white people."
It's all about envy.
White Privilege Platinum card---very nice, perhaps American Express ought to offer one. But I'd probably only qualify for a silver one, maybe a bronze. Yes, that conference sounds almost like a cartoon version of itself.
Relative status is what drives happiness for a lot of people. Segregation probably made the mean black person happier, because the white status hierarchy was largely invisible to them, especially as regards the SMP/MMP (Black women had little competition for black men as mates and much lower fractions of black men were under institutional control than the present).
Racism mainly hurt IWSBs, who weren't allowed to use their IQ to get white coller jobs. Most anti-racism initiatives were fueled by frustrated high IQ minorities. The average minority was too dumb to do or want anything.
The worst thing to happen to black women was white men stopped telling black men to marry and be fathers. White women/black man is nothing compared to the illegitimacy rate. Exactely zero of her black friends are married.
Being married or being a father is literally considered abnormal in the black community. And since even IWSBs consider themselves part of the black community and are a part of that sexual marketplace, it rubs off.
You can largely escape prole white dysfunction by going to college and segregating yourself, but since there are so few IWSBs relative to the general black population it is not possible. Often you will end up with a situation like my GF where in an effort to avoid being sucked into black dysfunction she becomes an oreo and mostly hangs out with white people.
During segregation, there were a lot of black entrepreneurs and businessmen. This was because they had a parallel marketplace that was largely captive to them. Actually, it's worse than the white men stopped telling the black men to marry and be fathers---society essentially told, via its welfare rules, for them to do exactly the opposite. LBJ effectively hated black people far more than did the median Klansman. Add to that rampant illegal immigration creating tons of competition for the sort of work most blacks specialized in, and it isn't surprising at all to see how much dysfunction has been created.
Let's not white wash how life was for high IQ blacks during segregation.
High IQ blacks can easily get sinecures now in government and in large companies. It's a lot harder for them to get the prestige that being a business owner and pillar of the community gave back before the end of segregation. So it's really more a question of WHICH IWSB's you're talking about. Also, a lot fewer black women were overweight back in those days (black women today have even higher obesity rates than do white women), so they got a better return in the MMP/SMP for their status than do IWSBs today.
We have to remember that not all, or even most, of smart people (operationally, let's call smart 1 sigma over the white population mean) are intellectuals.
You act like most smart black people were successful business owners, but we know that isn't true. And even the successful ones weren't able to ride at the front of the bus or use the same toilets. Cmmon man.
Are we even having a debate about how segregation was great for blacks? That just seems delusional for me. The problems in the black community today aren't the result of desegregation (which was good for them), but all the other liberal crap that fucked up all low IQ communities.
It seems the only thing open for debate is whether IWSBs were better off under segregation. Perhaps not. But there is almost no question that for blacks in general, they were much better off under segregation.
That's not to say the segregation was the only moving part. I mean only that some force, or set of forces, has made the average African American's life far more pathological today than 50 years ago. And it ain't racism.
No statistics at hand for what the occupations were for smart black people during segregation, but consider this.
Blacks weren't allowed to stay in hotels or go to bars for white people and vice versa. This means that all those economic niches for businesses were reserved for blacks, and were probably taken mostly by the smarter blacks. Who runs most businesses in black neighborhoods now? Hint, it's not blacks.
Considering the totality of the circumstances, it's not clear at all that the IWSB has it better now than he had it during segregation (excepting technology, which has masked through its improvement a lot of degredation in general in our society and in our government in particular). Toilets are pretty trivial compared to most of these other considerations, and as for the bus, well, now an IWSB wouldn't be caught dead anywhere on the bus.
I really don't feel like shooting these down one by one. The fact that this is an open debate in your mind shows a level of delusion that is disconcerting. I urge you to think this through realistically.
"whether IWSBs were better off under segregation."
Is a different question then weather segregation was good for them. Lots of things about the 60s were better. If black people could have the 60s + no segregation that would be superior to the 60s + segregation. Comparing the 00's to the 60s has too many moving parts.
I contend that a lot of the things that were better in the 60s are intimately linked with segregation, even such things as the incredible proliferation of obesity between then and now. I wrote more on this in my post You Can Have Diversity Or...
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